“ICSR provides a great platform for serious, constructive dialogue on the most hotly debated issues, as well as a source of world-class expertise on many of the international challenges we face.”
Ambassador Mitchell B. Reiss
Former Director of Policy Planning, U.S. State Department
Find Out More About ICSRThe International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) is a world-class and internationally acclaimed academic research centre based in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London.
Working across a number of different academic disciplines and in several languages, ICSR conducts thematic research on some of the world’s most pressing issues. Our researchers are often among the first to discover new trends, identify emerging patterns, and have harnessed the capacity of ‘big data’ to bring an empirical understanding to the study of international security and terrorism issues.
“The work done by ICSR is so important, because it looks at all kinds of terrorism and extremism. It helps us understand historical trends and patterns, so we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past.”
President Chandrika Kumaratunga
Former President of Sri Lanka
Foreign Fighters and the Returnee Threat
ICSR has developed some of the most sophisticated open-source methods used by academics today to better understand the origins, role and involvement of the foreign fighters participating in the Syrian confict.
Learn MoreIslamist and Jihadist Non-State Actor Governance in the Arab World
This expansive project has been designed to trace and describe the challenges to power, politics, and governance posed by these key Islamist groups, particularly since 2011.
Learn MoreWomen and the ‘Caliphate’
It is estimated that at least 850 women made that journey – around 17 percent of the 5,000+ Europeans that joined Islamic State between 2013 and 2018. They have diverse profiles: from students and professionals to housewives and grandmothers
Learn MoreTerrorist Financing
Following the rise of militant groups across Iraq and the Levant and the associated wave of Islamist-inspired terrorism in Europe, the issue of terrorist financing has never been more pressing.
Learn MoreThe Crime-Terror Nexus
Many of the jihadist terrorist attacks that have hit Europe in recent years, leaving hundreds dead and many more injured, had some sort of overlap with the criminal world with a significant number of attackers having criminal pasts.
Learn MoreSyria’s Kurds and the Syrian Civil War
This project explores the role of the Kurds in the war against Islamic State, as well as their participation in the broader Syrian conflict. The main actors being studied are the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
Learn MoreExtremism, Terrorism and Strategic Communication
Jihadist propaganda has never been more salient but its motivations and impact are often misunderstood. This research examines online and offline public diplomacy efforts from the likes of the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Syria.
Learn MoreThe VOX-Pol Network of Excellence
This project is unique in its scope and ambition, offering the only fellowship of its kind within a British university. It is aimed at those who occupy positions from which they can shape politics and public opinion in both Israel and Palestine.
Learn MoreThe King’s Programme for Middle East Dialogue
Every year ICSR offers six young leaders from Israel and Palestine the opportunity to develop their understanding of their country and region. This is done through a two-month residential programme at ICSR.
Learn MoreInsider Threats
In collaboration with the Centre for Science and Security Studies (CSSS), ICSR is working to better understand insider threats as they relate to terrorist actors operating in core industries.
Learn MoreThe Religious Foundations of Political Violence
Building on a longstanding academic partnership, TRENDS Research & Advisory and the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR), have launched a major new project to examine the religious foundations of political violence.
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