Recruiting Now – Through the Looking Glass: Rediscovering Israeli and Palestinian Experiences

Recruiting Now – Through the Looking Glass: Rediscovering Israeli and Palestinian Experiences
21st October 2016 ICSR Team
In ICSR's News

Applications are now open for February 2017. Click here for the application form.

ICSR is offering six young leaders from Israel and Palestine the opportunity to come to London for a period of two months in order to develop their ideas on how to further mutual understanding in their region. These young leaders will learn more about themselves and “the other” by engaging in research, debate and constructive dialogue in a neutral academic environment. The programme will start in February 2017.

Whilst Fellows at King’s College London they will critically examine both their own personal histories and that of their own societies in order to have a clear understanding of the historical context and current realities faced by their own people so that they can share this with their counterparts and thus educate each other.

Our experience and our narrative shapes what we believe, how we live our lives and act in our world. Yet this is something so many of us take for granted, having listened to personal family stories, school curriculums, political discourse and local media outlets. Our personal narrative also gives meaning and context to our lives – and yet it is so often the case that people are not in possession of all the perspectives that are needed in order to be effective leaders in their societies.

It is a rare occurrence for people to have the time and space to academically research and critically examine where they come from and what their people have been through. This programme will give these six young leaders the opportunity to do just that. With a deeper understanding of themselves, and the history and context of the conflict, they can then go on to have a deeper understanding of the problems they face in their own society, as well as the realities faced by the other side.

This Fellowship is aimed at those who occupy positions from which they can shape politics and public opinion in Israel and Palestine– typically from government, business, academia, and the media. Applicants must be graduates; based in their countries of origin at the time of their application; and fluent English speakers.

Fellows will be based at the ICSR offices at King’s College London and receive a stipend to cover their accommodation, living costs and travel. They are expected to complete a paper that reflects on how they feel their understanding of their history and that of the conflict has changed, and thus how their personal narrative has evolved. Through academic and personal engagement with the other Fellows they will be challenged to develop their views, articulate their beliefs, as well as those of the other side. In addition, they will promote information and education about issues in the region by making themselves available for debate and consultation.

Application deadline: November 18th, 2016
For more information please email [email protected]

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