ICSR Seminar: Black Swans and Burstiness: Countering Myths about Terrorism

ICSR Seminar: Black Swans and Burstiness: Countering Myths about Terrorism
22nd March 2013 ICSR Team
In Seminars

Gary LaFree EventDr Gary LaFree spoke to a full room at King’s College London about how terrorism has two characteristics that make it especially challenging from a public policy perspective — its black swan quality and its burstiness.

Dr LaFree is the co-founder and director of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland, as well as professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. He has published three books and more than 80 papers in leading academic journals.

Dr LaFree is a Fellow of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) and has served as President of the ASC. He has also been on the executive committees of the National Academy of Sciences Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, the Justice Research Statistics Association, the National Consortium for Violence Research, the Democracy Collaborative and the Police Foundation. He is currently a member of the NAS Committee on Crime, Law and Justice.

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