‘Sharon was about to leave two-thirds of the West Bank’

‘Sharon was about to leave two-thirds of the West Bank’
27th February 2013 ICSR Team
In M!ddle Easterners

Following a recent and insightful interview with the former Minister and Mossad agent Rafi Eitan, I was lucky enough to gain the following insights and anecdotes to our recent history:

– Ariel Sharon’s was in the midst of his plan for unilateral withdrawal and the annexation of West Bank settlements when he suffered his debiliating stroke in 2006.

– the Egyptian army was preparied to announce Ahmed Shafiq, not Mohammed Morsi, as winner in the Egyptian elections but American pressure and democracy won. Eitan thinks that it remains to be seen whether this was the right intervention.

– Israel is justified to hold certain prisoners in solitary confinement, especailly if their secrets could harm the security of the state.

To read the interview in full, please click here.

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