Palestinian Ambassador to the United Kingdom speaks at ICSR

Palestinian Ambassador to the United Kingdom speaks at ICSR
27th November 2008 ICSR Team
In Atkin Fellowship Seminars

On 27 November ICSR Atkin Fellow Amal Abusrour hosted a talk by Professor Manuel Hassassian, Palestinian Ambassador to the United Kingdom. The Ambassador spoke on possibilities for progress in the Israel-Palestine peace process, highlighting the structural and political challenges standing in the way of a breakthrough. He expressed some hope that the shift in Presidential administration in the United States would lead to a ‘window of opportunity’ for concrete progress, but conceded that much depended on domestic developments in Israel, which faces upcoming government elections itself. An informative question-and-answer session followed the talk.

The ICSR Atkin Fellowship brings together young leaders from Israel and the Arab world to conduct research and work together in London.

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