Israel-Palestine: Prospects for Peace

Israel-Palestine: Prospects for Peace
18th November 2008 ICSR Team
In Atkin Fellowship Seminars

On 18 November ICSR Atkin Fellows Amal Abusrour and Yosef Kedmi spoke at King’s College London in a talk entitled ‘Israel-Palestine: Prospective for Peace.’ Speaking in their capacities as research fellows focusing on Arab-Israeli dialogue, Abusrour and Kedmi addressed a large audience of KCL War Studies students on the current state of political negotiations and prospects for a sustainable peace settlement in the future. Beyond giving summaries of the political situation from their own unique perspectives, the speakers addressed some of the most difficult negotiating points among the Israelis and Palestinians, including the right of refugee return and the creation of a Palestinian state along 1967 borders. In this sense the speakers illustrated the conflict between political points of view based in international law versus points of view based on internal political factors. A spirited discussion and question-answer session allowed for a variety of viewpoints to be heard.

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