Let Us Include Them in Our Civil Peace

Let Us Include Them in Our Civil Peace
29th August 2012 ICSR Team
In Features

Thanks to the generosity of the Atkin Foundation, ICSR offers young leaders from Israel and the Arab world the opportunity to come to London for a period of four months, producing a research paper as the result of their work. The purpose of the fellowship is to provide young leaders from Israel and the Arab world with an opportunity to develop their ideas on how to further peace and understanding in the Middle East through research, debate and constructive dialogue in a neutral political environment.

Sarah Kilany, ICSR’s Spring Atkin Fellow for 2012, examined the current status of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Sarah is a graduate of the Lebanese American University-Beirut and has been involved in civil society work in Lebanon, particularly with a community centre in Fanar, Lebanon Voix de la Femme Libanaise.

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