The Arab Peace Initiative: An Instrument for Peace

The Arab Peace Initiative: An Instrument for Peace
3rd September 2010 ICSR Team
In Features

Thanks to the generosity of the Atkin Foundation, ICSR is offering young leaders from Israel and the Arab world the opportunity to come to London for a period of four months, producing a research paper as the result of their work. The purpose of the fellowship is to provide young leaders from Israel and the Arab world with an opportunity to develop their ideas on how to further peace and understanding in the Middle East through research, debate and constructive dialogue in a neutral political environment.
Alia Al-Kadi argues in her paper that the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 brings a new dimension to the negotiating table on the Arab-Israeli front. It offers Israel recognition and normal relations with 22 Arab nations in exchange for a withdrawal to the 1967 lines from all territory occupied to allow for a viable Palestinian state; a partition of Jerusalem, which would serve as a capital to both the Palestinians and the Israelis; and a negotiated, workable solution to the issue of the Palestinian right of return. Alia argues that there is a stronger chance for peace to prevail if it lies within a comprehensive framework, which the Arab Peace Initiative provides. The healing process for the Middle East may take longer, but it is vital to seek to attend to the wound holistically rather than aggravate it further.

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